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Seither Crest

Generation X

512. Jacob Seyther (Seit(h)er, Seuter), was born around 1530, and probably moved into the Kurpfalz, and was of the Lutheran religion. The name carries from his or older generations, but it is proven that they are mostly from the Swabian language area, especially in the Stuttgart area, and around Schwäbisch Hall (at least since 1480), and there is evidence in Kempten in Allgäu (as far back as 1400). Around there, they wrote it also as "Seiter" and "Seuter". Since the reformation, they are mostly Lutherans.

The facts are that around 1630, three different Jacob Seither are known to have lived at that time in the Kurpfalz (in Haardt, Hambach, and in Minfeld). And to illustrate by example, they were most likely the sons of three brothers of a father named Jacob. The three brothers each named their sons Jacob after their father, (this was at that time the rule for first born sons). And from this information, we derive the following affiliated hypothesis:
Civil Wedding with:
513. NN NN From this marriage comes:
1. NN, born around 1560. Civil wedding with NN NN.
2. Georg, born about 1570. He was mentioned in 1598 in Gimmeldingen near Neaustadt a.d. W. If the before mentioned Anna Margaretha Seither was his daughter, then he was married to Anna Leineweber. Civil wedding with Anna Leineweber.
3. NN Seither (See 256).

To see this information in German click here.

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My cousin, Joy Seithers-Jackson, and I have traced our family history backwards 500 years!

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