Homepage of Marty Seither

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Family Photo Album

Here are some pictures of my family!

Mick in Lederhosen

My Son - Michael Philipp Seither

Michael Philipp Seither was born October 1, 1999. We call him "Mick". He has his very own pair of lederhosen, and while he may look the part, he's not allowed to drink beer yet!

Michael Philipp 1 Year Old

Mick at 1 Year Old

This is Mick's one-year-old picture. He's growing too fast!

Seither Family

Our Family

Here is my whole family - my wife, Lillian Kay, my son, and myself. My wife I were married on June 20, 1992.

Michael Philipp 6 Mos. Old

Baby Mick

This picture of Mick was taken when he was six months old.