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Herxheim bei Landau, Germany

Mein Adoptiv Heimatort

Herxheim Crest/Wappen

Herxheim is a village of about 8,500 people in the southern part of the Pfalz. It is the largest tobacco growing region in Germany. Here is the town of my ancestors. It is over 1,225 years old and has many historical half-timbered houses still standing today. During the Great Plague, Herxheim was quarantined, and no one was allowed in or out. To prevent the inhabitants from starving, neighboring villagers left food on the outskirts of town for them. The people of Herxheim made a vow to God, that if he spared them from death, every year after the harvest, they would donate a wagonload of bread to the neighboring villagers who were giving them food. So, every year since 1667, Herxheim has maintained this tradition known as the Laurentius Brotweihe, or St. Lawrence Bread Dedication. It takes place every year on the Sunday after August 10, which is the feast of St. Lawrence.


Herxheim lies in the county of Suedliche Weinstrasse in the state of Rheinland Pfalz. It is approximately 6 miles (10 Km) west of the Rhine River and about 68 miles (110 Km) southwest of Frankfurt. It's only 12 miles (20Km) from the French border. The similarities of Herxheim with the Bluegrass Region of KY are amazing, with tobacco growing, horse racing, and the landscape similarity. Below are some pictures and links from Herxheim.


Saint Maria Catholic Church of the Assumption.

Sankt Maria Himmelfahrt Katholik Kirche.


The Art School Villa Wieser and the Village Fountain.

Kunstschule Villa Wieser und Dorfbrunnen.


Tobacco Barns in Herxheim

Herxheim Tabakschuppen


A Beautiful Herxheim Morning View.

Eine Sehr Schoen Morgen in Herxheim.


Old Half-Timbered House on Main Street.

Fachwerk Haus an Hauptsrasse.

Karlsruhe is a large city near Herxheim. Here are the current weather conditions in the region:

Das Wetter aus Karlsruhe:

Enter a City or US Zip:


Landauer Chapel

Landauer Kapelle


Farmland Outside of Herxheim with a Tractor.

Feld nahe Herxheim mit Traktor.


This is the Gasthaus "Zur Traube" in Herxheim. It is owned by Otto and Andreas Seither. They are carrying on a long Seither tradition of being innkeepers in Herxheim. Click the link below to learn more.

Gasthaus Zur Traube (in German)


Town Hall in Herxheim

Herxheim Rathaus


St. Paulus Monastery

St. Paulus Stift


Forest Stadium with Racetrack for Motorcycle and Horse Racing.

Waldstadion mit Rennbahn fuer Motorrad und Pferde Rennen.


Church Tower of St. Maria Catholic Church of the Assumption.

Kirche Turm von Sankt Maria Himmelfahrt Katholik Kirche.


A View of the Main Street.

Blick auf Hauptsrasse.

To see this same area in 1945, click here. Bitte klicken fuer Blick aus 1945.


Lamp-post with Herxheim Crest

Lanternenpfahl mit Herxheim Wappen


Farmland near Herxheim with a Barn.

Feld nahe Herxheim mit Scheune.


The War Memorial Chapel


Gruss aus Herxheim!!


The following links will take you to Herxheim:

Link Verzeichnis:

Otto Seither's Herxheim Page



Suedliche Weinstrasse (Southern Wine Road) the County of Herxheim



Zum Wohl. Die Pfalz.

Suedliche Weinstrasse Touristik (Tourism Info)

Kolpingskapelle Herxheim

Feuerwehr Herxheim (Fire Department)

For Meinestadt.de/Herxheim, click below:
